Virtual Orthodontic Consultations & Treatment Gain Popularity During Quarantine

virtual orthodontic treatment & consultations gaining popularity during coronavirus pandemic - blog post by orthopreneur internet marketing solutions As people work from home and spend more time on their devices during the quarantine, there is opportunity for businesses that stay active online. This will remain true long after the novel coronavirus fades away.

The trend of virtual orthodontic consultations & treatment was already starting to pick up steam before COVID-19 turned everything upside down. Now, it’s both cutting-edge AND self-preservation to implement digital technology for virtual treatment.

While virtual treatment has its limitations, there is no denying that it’s better than nothing. And it’s easy to see the positive impact that virtual treatment is having on both doctors and patients during the coronavirus emergency.

Why You Should Consider Virtual Orthodontic Treatment

Some of the benefits include:

  • Keep orthodontic treatments on schedule
  • Maintain contact with patients — this is CRITICAL!
  • Prevent a backlog of appointments when you reopen
  • Adhere to social distancing guidelines
  • Contribute some normalcy to your patients’ lives
  • Sustain revenue streams during the crisis

Some practices are even conducting New Patient Consultations during the quarantine, and closing deals for new treatments. At the very least, it shows your community that you are available, which goes a long way.

What Does Virtual Treatment Look Like on an Orthodontic Website?

The premise is quite simple: a patient uploads photos of their teeth through an orthodontic website (or app), and then the orthodontist connects with the patient via video conference to review the images and discuss treatment. Orthopreneur has been deploying virtual treatment pages on our client sites since early 2020.

Here is a link to an example of a Virtual Treatment/Consultation page.

How Important is Your Comfort Zone?

Not every owner wants to do business online. Some business owners are uncomfortable with marketing during a crisis, for fear of coming off as callous or opportunistic when people are sick and dying. These are valid feelings.

Our goal is to provide you with information and keep you in the loop. Ultimately, it’s your business. But we can take a lesson from Charles Darwin:

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

For more information on how you can implement virtual treatment in your orthodontic practice, click here or call (877) 295-5611.

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