Let’s keep it fast and simple. Read the following “quick-hitters” and hopefully we will have you saying, “Ah, I see” or “I didn’t know that!” Here are ten things — not a Top 10 — just ten things about Internet marketing that you may or may not know when marketing your orthodontic practice.
- Google+ is an “all-in-one” social network that combines elements of Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Instagram, foursquare, LinkedIn, and others
- Bing and Yahoo have recently rolled out new Places for Business platforms – just like Google
- Yahoo gets a lot of their search results from Bing – meaning the two search engines often have extremely similar search results
- Google Penguin is an ongoing update to Google’s algorithm that checks for and penalizes poor-quality links going to and from a website
- Vine is a new app for phones and tablets where users upload and share videos that are six seconds or less (same concept as Twitter but with videos)
- In order to leave a review for a business on Google, the reviewer must sign into a Google+ profile (or create one and join the Google+ social network)
- A giraffe can lick its own ears (that has nothing to do with Internet marketing, but picture a giraffe licking its own ears…funny, right?)
- Google Panda was originally an update (and is now part of Google’s core algorithm) that checks for and penalizes sites with content that is thin or spammy
- Google+ has over 343 million active users – is your business optimized for Google Plus?
- When it comes to marketing on the internet, “Slow and steady” wins the race!
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/10-mind-blowing-facts-about-google-2013-5?op=1#ixzz2VYYCOhVT