When considering how to market your orthodontic or dental practice today, Internet marketing is proving to be the option of choice for many businesses.
A survey from the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), BtoB Magazine and ‘mktg’ indicates that marketers are turning to viral videos and social media marketing more and more, despite continued reservations. The biggest concerns, and justified I might add, are the inability to track results. However, this isn’t stopping businesses from shifting marketing dollars online. The hand writing is on the wall… The Internet is the place to be and the best bang for the buck when marketing products and services to today’s tech savvy society who go online for everything.
The largest allocation of marketing dollars is in SEO (search engine optimization), SEM (search engine marketing) and website development whether it be updating an old site or adding a website to their current marketing programs. As an Internet marketing coach, I continue to educate doctors and their teams on the importance of SEO of their website and oversee the construction of updated or new sites to assure them their are being setup correctly with SEO and design.
I still find the vast majority of current sites are not coded correctly for their local demographics. I also find that most practices don’t fully grasp the concept of SEO and SEM until I meet them online for a free consultation and show them in real time where their site is under performing on the search engines. Once they understand the concept, the light bulb goes on and they understand how this can translate into the loss of thousands of dollars in potential new business that is flying out the window to more tech savvy Internet marketing competitors.
Good website design is a critical component in your Internet marketing strategy in conjunction with SEO and SEM. Your website is the hub of your Internet marketing campaign. SEO and SEM will get new patients to your site, but your website design is what engages their attention to delve further into your marketing message and contact your office for a new patient consultation. A successful Internet marketing program incorporates both SEO and good marketing design and treats them with equal importance.
Most business owners are not objective when it comes to the delivery of their marketing message “in the eyes of the consumer”. Your website and other Internet marketing tactics such as blogging, video, and social networking must address consumer questions and concerns first and what you want them to know second… Many professionals still consider their website an information site first and marketing tool second, when it should be the other way around.
Do you know how your Internet marketing program stacks up to your online competition in your area. If not, it’s time to find out. Leave me a comment and let me know how your feel on the subject.